Frank Turek – You Can’t Make This Stuff Up! 0 (0)

How can we know that the New Testament writers are telling the truth? Frank presents three lines of evidence to show that they didn’t make up the NT story:

It has EMBARRASSING DETAILS that would not have been invented by those trying to pass off a lie as the truth.

There is EMBEDDED CONFIRMATION between the gospel accounts that show the writers either were eyewitnesses or are citing independent eyewitness sources of the same events.

The Jewish writers died EXCRUCIATING DEATHS when they could have saved themselves by staying with their Jewish beliefs and denying the Resurrection.

There are many points in this show that you can share with your unbelieving friends. Just ask them before you do: “If Jesus really rose from the dead to prove He is God, would you follow Him?”



James Knox – The Resurrection of Jesus Christ 0 (0)

Watch this video by James Knox. God determined that sinners would be saved by His son through death on a cross. 3 days and 3 nights later, He rose from the grave, conquering death, and now is alive forevermore. We all have the same appointment in common: once to die. Sinner, why don’t you look to the one who has the keys of death and hell? Saved, why don’t you proclaim this good news of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ to the world? In Jesus Christ alone is life everlasting and victory over death and hell.
