Peter S. Williams – Archaeological Evidence of Jesus 0 (0)

Watch this video by Peter S. Williams. We live in an age of uninformed skepticism about Jesus. This talk will show how the physical discoveries of archaeology undermine common misconceptions about the existence of Jesus, the historical reliability of the Gospels, the historical credentials of central Christian beliefs such as the crucifixion, burial, and empty tomb of Jesus, and the existence of people who believed Jesus was God long before the 4th century church council of Nicea.



Gary Habermas – 5 Facts for the Resurrection by 36 AD 0 (0)

Watch this video by Gary Habermas. While at the National Conference on Christian Apologetics hosted by Southern Evangelical Seminary, Dr. Habermas provides his “5 Facts for the Resurrection by 36 AD” message. In the message he discusses the “homologia”, the creeds embedded in the New Testament texts, Paul’s conversion, the conversion of James, and Paul’s visit with Peter and James three years after his conversion.



J. Warner Wallace – Did Jesus Really Die and Come Back to Life? 5 (1)

In September 2020, The King’s Academy had the privilege of hosting former LAPD cold crime detective and atheist-turned-apologist J. Warner Wallace, founder of Cold-Case Christianity, at its RUSH spiritual empahsis week. Det. Wallace spoke to King’s middle and high school students about his faith journey, the authenticity of the New Testament, and evidential support for Christianity and one of its central claims, the resurrection.