5 Important Questions From Dr. Carl K. Barniak

Dr. Carl K. BarniakAs I get older and wiser I find myself obsessed with 5 important questions:

1. Is the Christian Bible the inerrant, inspired, preserved Word of God?

2. Knowing that no two Bible versions are exactly the same, are none valid or is one truly valid and all others being but deceptions?

3. If one Bible translation truly contains the Words of God, are not all religions that follow other religious writings, false?

I have found the research of professor Gail Riplinger (www.avpublications.com) masterfully answers these important questions.

4. If evolution could easily be disproven by scientific means, would you still trust the foolish theories of Charles Darwin?

I strongly encourage you to watch the YouTube videos of Kent Hovind and Ken Ham for insightful understanding.

5. If someone absolutely found Noah’s Ark and other significant sites mentioned in the Old Testament, would you still distrust the Biblical historical narrative?

Ron Wyatt is someone I had the privilege of meeting and sharing breakfast with. He has sadly passed away, but his discoveries are amazing and can be viewed on YouTube and his website: www.ronwyatt.com.

If the 1611 Authorized King James version of the Bible is truly the very words of God Almighty, penned by numerous men from distant countries over a span of a thousand years, then the disturbing prospect of a real hell after death is most troubling.

This subject is too serious to be ignored. I encourage all that I hold dear to use your time wisely as you seek answers to this most serious issue. If Jesus Christ is real, then hell is real and no one would be wise to make that fateful choice.

Blessings to all,

Dr. Carl K. Barnik

Following are recommended Christian news hosts, authors, pastors, apologists, and filmmakers.

Rick Wiles – www.trunews.com

Todd Friel – www.wretched.org

James Knox – www.jameswknox.org

Chuck Baldwin – www.chuckbaldwinlive.com

Paul Wittenberger – www.framingtheworld.com

Frank Turek – www.crossexamined.org

J. Warner Wallace – www.coldcasechristianity.com

Josh McDowell – www.josh.org

Stephen Anderson – www.faithfulwordbaptist.org

Charles Lawson – www.pastorcharleslawson.org

Chuck Missler – www.khouse.org

David Daniels – www.chick.com

Gabriel the Street Preacher – www.savedbypreaching.com

Brian Denlinger – www.kingjamesvideoministries.org

Kent Hovind – www.drdino.com

Ken Ham – www.answeringenesis.org

Texe Marrs – www.texemarrs.com


Final thought:

If the Creator of the Universe wrote you a letter, would you read it? Indifference will prove an unacceptable excuse on judgment day. I challenge all that I care for to do their due diligence and prove me wrong, if that be the case.

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